I have been reading quite a lot about time management and how to increase productivity when your running a small, medium or even home based business.
I personally felt like our business had problems being as productive as possible, and I have felt we haven't moved forward like we should for a while. So I decided to try to do something about our productivity by making some adjustments in our professional education and development.
I started viewing a site specific to this task, which contains a lot of very good and interesting productivity videos. One of these videos took me to a program called EDGE, Expert Directed Guidance Education and inspired me to start a new experiment, one of the Professional Development videos talks about how to wake up and instantly achieve something everyday. The basic of this video series is, that if you start your day off by doing your most important goal for that day, you will get a self-esteem boost and possibly get more done that day. Thinking that this would be a good mindset for our employees as well as my self.
I am not sure how this exactly will work on me and our employees. First of all, I have to admit that I am not a wide awake kind of morning person who jumps straight out of the bed - I need my coffee. If I try to exercise in the morning, I always feel ill and do not get as much out of the trip as if I do later in the day. If I get caught by some interesting work, I can stay up half the night and work where I suddenly notice that it is 5 am in the morning. So the thought of starting my day with actually doing the most important task for the day sounds a bit challenging.. None the less, I decided to give it a go.
I only just started on this experiment a few weeks ago, but the conclusion so far is that it actually works. So far I let my self make a cup of coffee and take my son to school, before I start working - but I try to avoid surfing the net, reading email, watching news or doing anything else that isn't what I set as my morning goal. I simply just make my coffee and have some family time before the school day starts, and then go directly into my office - close down my mail program, and only keep the windows open related to the work Im doing right at that moment.
It really works to focus on that achievement of the day, and no matter how much of the other stuff you planned to do that day, you know you got the most important thing done, because you did it first.
As for the experiment, I will continue on doing this and hopefully our staff will too; every night I decide what the first thing I will get done tomorrow will be. That way we don't have to spend the rest of the evening thinking about that thing, because I know it will be dealt with as the first thing tomorrow.
That and a lot of other interesting posts on EDGE and the mastermind group they sponsor have really inspired me, and I will try to follow more and more advice from sites and vblogs like EDGE. I hope this maybe has inspired you too.
Do you follow any of these EDGE videos or resources? Do you run experiments like that to increase your productivity, or do you have a special way of getting things done? I hope you will share your experiences with EDGE and ways of increasing productivity. - 32198
I personally felt like our business had problems being as productive as possible, and I have felt we haven't moved forward like we should for a while. So I decided to try to do something about our productivity by making some adjustments in our professional education and development.
I started viewing a site specific to this task, which contains a lot of very good and interesting productivity videos. One of these videos took me to a program called EDGE, Expert Directed Guidance Education and inspired me to start a new experiment, one of the Professional Development videos talks about how to wake up and instantly achieve something everyday. The basic of this video series is, that if you start your day off by doing your most important goal for that day, you will get a self-esteem boost and possibly get more done that day. Thinking that this would be a good mindset for our employees as well as my self.
I am not sure how this exactly will work on me and our employees. First of all, I have to admit that I am not a wide awake kind of morning person who jumps straight out of the bed - I need my coffee. If I try to exercise in the morning, I always feel ill and do not get as much out of the trip as if I do later in the day. If I get caught by some interesting work, I can stay up half the night and work where I suddenly notice that it is 5 am in the morning. So the thought of starting my day with actually doing the most important task for the day sounds a bit challenging.. None the less, I decided to give it a go.
I only just started on this experiment a few weeks ago, but the conclusion so far is that it actually works. So far I let my self make a cup of coffee and take my son to school, before I start working - but I try to avoid surfing the net, reading email, watching news or doing anything else that isn't what I set as my morning goal. I simply just make my coffee and have some family time before the school day starts, and then go directly into my office - close down my mail program, and only keep the windows open related to the work Im doing right at that moment.
It really works to focus on that achievement of the day, and no matter how much of the other stuff you planned to do that day, you know you got the most important thing done, because you did it first.
As for the experiment, I will continue on doing this and hopefully our staff will too; every night I decide what the first thing I will get done tomorrow will be. That way we don't have to spend the rest of the evening thinking about that thing, because I know it will be dealt with as the first thing tomorrow.
That and a lot of other interesting posts on EDGE and the mastermind group they sponsor have really inspired me, and I will try to follow more and more advice from sites and vblogs like EDGE. I hope this maybe has inspired you too.
EDGE Expert Directed Guidance Education for Business
Do you follow any of these EDGE videos or resources? Do you run experiments like that to increase your productivity, or do you have a special way of getting things done? I hope you will share your experiences with EDGE and ways of increasing productivity. - 32198
About the Author:
See a video demonstration of EDGE in the Product section of this website Expert Directed Guidance Education for Business Your invited to Mastermind with the Expert Directed Guidance Educators with names like Brian Tracy, Sandy Botkin, Tony Alessandra and many, many more......